Ryan Bensussan Harvey Instructor in Computer Science

COSC A319 Internet Technologies (Fall 2020) - Assignment A1
Basic (Synchronous) JavaScript:
Ethernet Frame Data Parser


In this assignment, you’ll create and export a function that parses an Ethernet frame, handling both the DIX Ethernet II and IEEE 802.3 formats.

Ethernet frame addressing, being a data link layer protocol, uses a point-to-point addressing scheme called the media access control (MAC) addressing, a hardware-based addressing scheme that assigns a unique identifier to each network interface controller (NIC), usually available burned into the NIC’s firmware.

📆 Schedule

Assigned Tue, Sep 8, 2020
Office hours By appointment
Assignment Due Thu, Sep 10, 2020


Ethernet Packets, Ethernet Frames and the Inter-packet Gap

Ethernet lives on layer 2 (Data Link) of the layered network model, but is transmitted over layer 1 (Physical). On the Physical layer, Ethernet packets are transmitted over transmission media separated by an inter-packet gap of 12 bytes (octets). When designed, this gap was intended to provide a delay between packets; now, however, a 12 byte gap provides minimal time delay, and acts simply as a separation between packets. Because of this, in some cases, that gap is now reduced to 8 bytes.

A new Ethernet packet is signified by a preamble of 7 bytes (octets) of alternating 1s and 0s, followed by a 1-byte start frame delimiter (SFD) 10101011. In hexadecimal, this preamble and SFD sequence is AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AB.

An Ethernet frame is the layer 2 routing portion of the packet, and begins immediately after the SFD. Ethernet routing on the Data Link layer relies on MAC addresses to identify devices.

MAC Addresses

A MAC address is a 48-bit (6 byte) address assigned to a network interface controller. The first 24 bits (3 bytes) are assigned as an address block by the IEEE to manufacturers of NIC devices for a fee. This portion is called the “Organizationally Unique Identifier” (OUI). The last 24 bits (3 bytes) are the manufacturer’s unique serial number for the NIC device. (Some frame and packet inspection programs will display the OUI portion as a company name instead of using the 3-byte hexadecimal representation.)

An example MAC address might look like 00:0d:b7:1f:fe:e6. In this address, the OUI would be 00:0d:b7, and since the NIC is an Intel product, might be replaced with Intel_ or similar by a frame inspection program. The NIC’s serial number would be 1f:fe:e6.

Note that MAC addresses are just a sequence of 48 bits in the machine. However, when we write MAC addresses for human consumption, we separate each byte’s hexadecimal representation by a colon character. This is to make the addresses easier to interpret by explicitly showing the byte boundaries.

Ethernet Frame Formats

There are two commonly used Ethernet frame formats today, though these are not the only Ethernet formats that have been used. In this assignment, you will implement a parser for an Ethernet frame for each of these common formats.

DIX Ethernet II

A creation coming out of work from Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel and Xerox in the early 1980’s DIX Ethernet, and its successor DIX Ethernet II, quickly became a proprietary standard. Although the hardware associated with it was outmoded by a newer, open standard soon after, the frame format used was very popular, as it could hold a few more bytes per frame than its competitor IEEE 802.3.

The frame structure of DIX Ethernet II involves a 14-byte frame header and a 4-byte frame check sequence (FCS) trailer surrounding the frame’s data payload, which can be up to 1500 bytes. The FCS is computed over all previous fields of the frame, not including the packet preamble and SFD.

DIX Ethernet II Frame Structure
|----------header-----------|-----payload-. . .-------------|-trailer-|
------------------------------------------. . .------------------------
| ' ' ' ' ' | ' ' ' ' ' | ' | ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' | ' ' ' ' |
|  6 bytes  |  6 bytes  | 2B|       46 - 1500 bytes         | 4 bytes |
|  Dst MAC  |  Src MAC  |Type           Payload             |   FCS   |
|           |           |   |                               |         |
------------------------------------------. . .------------------------

IEEE 802.3

IEEE’s 802.3 CSMA/CD frame structure took the DIX Ethernet II structure and replaced the “Ethertype” 2-byte field with an explicit frame length value of 2 bytes. However, in order to include the frame type information, they also added an 8-byte extension to the header including the IEEE 802.2 “Logical Link Control” (LLC) header and the “Subnetwork Access Protocol” (SNAP) header extension. This 8 bytes had to be carved from the payload data space in order to maintain the 1518 byte total capacity limit supported by most hardware at the time.

The extension header consists of 5 subfields:

  • LLC: Destination Service Access Point (DSAP) = 0xAA
  • LLC: Source Service Access Point (SSAP) = 0xAA
  • LLC: Control = 0x03
  • SNAP: Organizationally Unique ID (from MAC, or unused = 0x000000)
  • SNAP: Type (protocol of the packet in the payload), for example:
    • IPv4 = 0x0800
    • IPv6 = 0x08DD
    • ARP = 0x0806

For IEEE 802.3, the 4-byte FCS is computed using all prior fields of the frame, not including the packet preamble and SFD.

Although DIX Ethernet II frame structure is used for most IP packet traffic on the Internet today, most other Ethernet-based network traffic usually uses the IEEE 802.3 frame format.

IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD LAN Frame Structure
|----------header---------------------------|-payload-. . .---------|-trailer-|
------------------------------------------------------. . .--------------------
| ' ' ' ' ' | ' ' ' ' ' | ' | ' ' ' ' ' ' ' | ' ' ' ' . . . ' ' ' ' | ' ' ' ' |
|  6 bytes  |  6 bytes  | 2B|    8 bytes    |   48 - 1492 bytes     | 4 bytes |
|  Dst MAC  |  Src MAC  |Len|    LLC/SNAP   |       Payload         |   FCS   |
|           |           |   |               |                       |         |
------------------------------------------------------. . .--------------------
                         __/                 \_________________________________
                        /                                                      \
                        |      |      |      |      '      '      |      '      |
                        |  1B  |  1B  |  1B  |      3 bytes       |   2 bytes   |
                        | DSAP | SSAP | Ctrl |        OUI         |    Type     |
                        |      |      |      |                    |             |
                        |-----802.2 LLC------|--------------SNAP----------------|

Your Assignment

To complete this assignment, you need to write the body of the parse function defined and exported from index.js. You do not need to worry about asynchronous operations yet – just be able to parse the incoming byte Buffer using the appropriate protocol.

Expected Output

Your function should return a JavaScript object with the fields and structure specified below. Expected data types and descriptions are included in parentheses.

  protocol: (either "Ethernet II" or "IEEE 802.3"),
  header: {
    destinationMAC: (MAC address binary value as length 6 Buffer),
    destination: (MAC Address human-readable text string),
    sourceMAC: (MAC address binary value as length 6 Buffer),
    source: (MAC Address human-readable text string),
    type: (16-bit Unsigned integer value),
    length: (16-bit Unsigned integer value, number of payload bytes),
    llc: { // only include if relevant to protocol
      dsap: (Unsigned Integer),
      ssap: (Unsigned Integer),
      control: (Unsigned Integer)
    snap_oui: (MAC OUI binary value as length 3 Buffer, if relevant to protocol)
  payload: (payload data in binary format as an Buffer with appropriate length),
  frame_check: (Integer CRC-32 frame check sequence value),
  frame_check_valid: (Boolean, true if computed FCS matches)

Program Structure

While you must make your implementation pass automated tests that will only use the exported parse function, you will likely want to create several additional functions to help with parsing the data. Each of these functions should be well-tested (repeatably via automation), so that you can be confident of the accuracy and error-free quality of your parsing code. Each of these functions should also include relevant documentation in JSdoc format about why they exist, including expected inputs and outputs with data types.

In this repo, you will find a lib folder which contains several things that should be helpful:

  • parsers folder - this is where you should put the protocol-specific parser code you write
  • framecheck.js and framecheck.test.js - a module exporting a function framecheck that computes the frame check sequence as a 32-bit unsigned integer
  • displayMAC.js and displayMAC.test.js - a module exporting a function displayMAC that formats a byte buffer as a human-readable MAC address

A note on working with binary in JavaScript

In this assignment (and in most of the rest of the course), you’ll be working with binary data in JavaScript. The interface for this work will almost always be the Buffer class and its subclasses. Get to know the Buffer class as soon as possible.

In particular, you’ll need to be very familiar with the methods to read various length unsigned integers, including the little endian (LE) and big endian (BE) variants and how to choose which variant you need, and the subarray method, as well as the typed subclasses of Buffer.

In some cases, you’ll want to explicitly treat each byte separately, which you can do by creating a Uint8Array from the Buffer by doing something like:

Uint8Array.prototype.slice.call(this.buffer, startIndex, endIndex)

Submission and Feedback

You must submit your changes as commits to a new branch on the repository in the form of a Pull Request on Github. I will provide feedback in the context of the Pull Request within a week of the due date of the assignment. If you push your code earlier than the due date, I will try to provide feedback as needed.

I suggest that you start by creating the new branch first, before doing any work on the program, that you commit your changes to that branch, and that you push your commits as you are working on the program. On the first push to the new branch, please go ahead and create the Pull Request in Github. This way, if you have questions, I will be able to review your work-in-progress and give more relevant answers and feedback. I will do my best to respond to questions posed during the course of the assignment with in a day of the ask. If you want to ask a question or request early feedback, please tag me in a comment on the Pull Request: @nihonjinrxs.

Good luck, and I look forward to seeing what you create!