Ryan Bensussan Harvey Instructor in Computer Science

COSC A319 Internet Technologies (Fall 2023) - Assignment A6
IP Address Subnetter/Supernetter


In this assignment, you’ll create and export a classes that facilitate subnetting or supernetting of IPv4 networks when provided an IPv4 address and target prefix length, as well as an optional current prefix length, returning the relevant resulting network information.

📆 Schedule

Assigned Tue, Nov 21, 2023
Office hours By appointment
Assignment Due Tue, Nov 28, 2023


IP Addressing

The IP protocol is the basis for all internet communication, and it operates at the network layer (layer 3) of the 5-layer Internet model.

IPv4 and IPv6 have significant differences, and almost can be thought of as distinct protocols. One of the major differences is in the addressing scheme. IPv4 addresses are 32-bit values often represented in dotted-decimal format, segmented into 4 8-bit portions, each portion displayed as a decimal number between 0 and 255, with portions delimited by a decimal point (.). IPv6 addresses, on the other hand, are 128-bit values, represented in 8 16-bit portions in hexadecimal form delimited by colons (:). IPv6 addresses are often abbreviated by leaving out leading zeros in each portion, replacing all-zero portions with just a single 0 digit, and by replacing long strings of consecutive all-zero portions with double-colons (::).

IP addresses represent both the ID of the network to which they belong as well as the ID of the host machine on that network. In order to do that, a specific number of contiguous bits on the leftmost side of the address (in binary form) are allocated as the network ID, and the remainder are allocated to the host ID. This location at which this change from bits being allocated to network ID to bits being to the host ID is called the network/host boundary. Traditionally (in IPv4), these allocations happened at octet boundaries, resulting in network ID lengths of 8, 16, or 24 bits, depending on the type of network and its addressing needs.

For this assignment, we’ll be focused on IPv4 addresses only, but the process of subnetting and supernetting is quite similar for IPv6.

Classful and Classless (CIDR) IPv4 Addresses

However, the way IPv4 addresses are assigned has changed over time. Early on, there were a collection of rules for assigning IPv4 network addresses and and setting the location of the network/host boundary for them that we now refer to as “classful addressing”. These rules resulted in excessive resources needed to maintain and route IP traffic, particularly with respect to size of routing tables. As the Internet grew and more networks were added, there were concerns about exhausting the IPv4 address space. These rules involved assigning default “subnet masks” to 5 ranges of addresses classified by their initial 1-3 bits:

  • Class A: Addresses starting with 0 (first octet in decimal between 0 and 127) for use on networks with between 65,535 and 16,777,214 hosts. Default subnet mask:
  • Class B: Addresses starting with 10 (first octet in decimal between 128 and 191) for use on networks with between 255 and 65,534 hosts. Default subnet mask:
  • Class C: Addresses starting with 110 (first octet in decimal between 192 and 223) for use on networks with 254 or less hosts. Default subnet mask:
  • Class D: Addresses starting with 1110 (first octet in decimal between 224 and 239) for use for IPv4 multicast traffic. Default subnet mask:
  • Class E: Addresses starting with 1111 (first octet in decimal between 240 and 255) for experimental purposes. Default subnet mask:

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the explosion of new Internet hosts (a consequence of what is commonly referred to as the .com boom) caused pressure on routing tables, and the rate of allocation of Class A and B network addresses became unsustainable. Because Class C networks were not able to be combined under the classful system, the end result of this would have been an exhaustion of available IPv4 network addresses before the end of 1995. To prevent this, the rules for assigning IPv4 addresses to networks changed in a few important ways in order to allow setting the network/host address boundary within an IPv4 address optimally for the needs of the network.

The first change was the ability to use variable-length subnet masking (VLSM). Rather than have fixed subnet masks for each class, the removal of classes as an address construction principle allowed for any bit-length for the network ID portion of the IPv4 address. Hence, rather than only allowing subnet masks of (= 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000),, (= 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000) and (= 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000), the prefix of ones in the subnet mask could end anywere within an octed. Thus subnet masks could end not only in 0 and 255, but also at 128, 192, 168, 224, 240, 248, 252, and 254.

Accompanying this change was a change, called classless inter-domain routing (CIDR), to the way network addresses (and their associated subnet masks) are written. This method of writing a network address indicates the subnet mask as the length of the all-1s prefix of the subnet mask after the network address, separated from the IPv4 address of the network with a slash (/). For example, the network address associated with the IP address with a subnet mask of would be written in CIDR form as, with a host ID of

Subnetting & Supernetting (Aggregation)

As mentioned above, the goal of VLSM was to allow for finer-grained control over the size of an address block assigned to a network by moving the network/host boundary to a more optimal location within the IPv4 addresses of the network.

Your Assignment

To complete this assignment, you need to write and export two classes:

The IPv4Address class

An IPv4Address class that can be instantiated with:

  new IPv4Address(
    /* IPv4 address in binary/unsigned integer format */
    /* IPv4 subnet mask in binary/unsigned integer format */

Instances of the IPv4Address class should have properties:

  • networkID - binary IP network ID
  • hostID - binary IP host ID
  • prefixLength - integer network prefix length
  • subnetMask - binary IP subnet mask
  • network - an IPNetwork instance specifying information about the IPv4 network to which this address belongs

And the following methods:

  • display() -> <string> - to convert the binary form IPv4 address into human-readable CIDR format

The IPv4Address class should have the following static methods:

  • parseIPAddress(<string> address) -> <number> - to convert a string format address (without CIDR prefix length) into a binary number format

    • IPv4Address.parseIPAddress('')
  • create(<number|string> ip4Address, <number|string> subnetMask) -> <IPv4Address> - to create IPv4Address objects from either binary or string representations of the address and possibly the subnet as follows:

    • IPv4Address.create(
        /* IPv4 address in binary/unsigned integer format */
        /* IPv4 subnet mask in binary/unsigned integer format */
    • IPv4Address.create(
        /* IPv4 address in CIDR string format */
    • IPv4Address.create(
        /* IPv4 address on the network in string human-readable format */
        /* IPv4 subnet mask on the network in string human-readable format */

The IPv4Network class

The IPv4Network class that can be instantiated with:

new IPv4Network(
  /* IPv4 address on the network in binary/unsigned integer format */
  /* IPv4 subnet mask in binary/unsigned integer format */

IPv4Network instances should should have properties:

  • networkID - binary IP network address
  • prefixLength - the network prefix length
  • networkCIDRAddress - the binary IP network address and integer prefix length combined in a human-readable CIDR format string
  • subnetMask - binary subnet mask for the network’s prefix length
  • broadcastAddress - binary IP address used for broadcast on the network
  • hostAddressRange - 2-element array containing the minimum and maximum binary host IP addresses in the network

Methods on IPv4Network:

  • Instance method subnet(<integer> newPrefixLength) -> <IPv4Network[]> - a method that subnets the network and returns an Array of IPv4Network instances for each of the subnets
  • Static method supernet(<IPv4Network[]> networks) -> <IPv4Network[]> - a method that takes a collection of networks and combines them into a minimally covering collection of as few networks as possible, returning an Array of IPv4Networks. (Note: you cannot supernet an incomplete covering of the address space, so be sure that every address in the range of addresses covered by your supernet result is also covered by the one of the networks passed in.)
  • Static method create(<number|string> ip4Address, <number|string> subnetMask) -> <IPv4Network> - a method that takes either an IPv4 address as a CIDR format string, or an IPv4 address and subnet mask, and creates and returns an IPv4Network instance:

    • IPv4Network.create(
        /* IPv4 address on the network in binary/unsigned integer format */
        /* IPv4 subnet mask in binary/unsigned integer format */
    • IPv4Network.create(
        /* IPv4 network address in CIDR string format */
    • IPv4Network.create(
        /* IPv4 address on the network in CIDR string format */
    • IPv4Network.create(
        /* IPv4 network address in string human-readable format */
        /* IPv4 subnet mask in string human-readable format */

Program Structure

While you must make your implementation pass automated tests that will only use the exports from index.js, you will need to create the classes each in their own file as a library, and re-export them from the main index.js file. Each of these classes should be well-tested (repeatably via automation), so that you can be confident of the accuracy and error-free quality of your parsing code. Each of the classes and their methods should also include relevant documentation in JSdoc format about why they exist, including expected inputs and outputs with data types.

In this repo, you will find an index.js file, where the classes you are expected to create are imported and re-exported. You may choose to augment this with any other objects or funcitons your library needs to provide as part of its public interface, however you should not need to. You will also find a lib folder, in which there are two empty JavaScript files – one for each class you will create and export.

A note on working with binary in JavaScript

In this assignment (as in prior assignments in this course), you’ll be working with binary data in JavaScript. The interface for this work will almost always be the Buffer class and its subclasses. Get to know the Buffer class as soon as possible.

In particular, you’ll need to be very familiar with the methods to read various length unsigned integers, including the little endian (LE) and big endian (BE) variants and how to choose which variant you need, and the subarray method, as well as the typed subclasses of Buffer.

Bitwise operations in JavaScript: working with subnet masks

As you’ll recall from assignments A4 and A5, to work with individual bits, you’ll need to take a byte and bit-shift or bit-mask it to get the specific bit you’re looking for. For example, you to get the third bit from the left in 0x6d = 109 = 0b01101101, you would could do this by:

  1. Create a bit mask having all zeros except the bit place you wish to extract, and a one in that bit position. For this example, that would look like: 0b00100000.
  2. Then, perform a bitwise AND operation between the byte you’re extracting from and the bit mask you created. In JavaScript, this example looks like: 0x6d & 0b00100000.
  3. Finally, bit shift the result to remove the additional bits and get the flag value. In the example, you will want to do an unsigned bit shift to the right by 5 positions (removing the 5 bit positions to the right of the one you care about): (0x6d & 0b00100000) >>> 5

This has relevance to creating and working with subnet masks, which are just bit masks that operate across all 32 bits in the IPv4 address at once.

To create a subnet mask from the prefix length, you can begin with a 32-bit binary value comprised of all 1s and do the following:

  1. Start with all 1s
  2. Unsigned right shift (>>>) away the bits that should be 0s
  3. Left shift (<<) back the same amount to return to the right total length
  4. Unsigned right shift (>>>) by 0 to ensure an unsigned integer value

For example, if the prefix length is 8, this looks like:

const prefixLength = 8;

const SUBNET_MASK_BASE = 0b11111111111111111111111111111111; // => 4294967295

const numZeroBits = 32 - prefixLength;
const subnetMask = (SUBNET_MASK_BASE >>> numZeroBits << numZeroBits >>> 0);

subnetMask // => 4278190080
subnetMask.toString(2) // => '11111111000000000000000000000000'

Once you have a subnet mask, finding the network ID is just a bitwise AND operation:

const ip4addr = Buffer.from([10, 105, 241, 58]).readUInt32BE();
// ip4addr === 0b1010011010011111000100111010
const networkID = subnetMask & ip4addr;
// networkID === 0b1010000000000000000000000000

And finding the host ID is a bitwise AND operation with the bitwise negation (NOT) of the subnet mask:

const ip4addr = Buffer.from([10, 105, 241, 58]).readUInt32BE();
// ip4addr === 0b1010011010011111000100111010
const hostID = ~subnetMask & ip4addr;
// hostID === 0b0000000011010011111000100111010

Getting started on the assignment

As with Assignments A1 and A4, in order to get started with the assignment, you’ll want to do the following things:

  • Review this assignment description in detail, particularly the information on IP addresses, VLSM and CIDR, and subnetting and supernetting.
  • Review JavaScript Buffer
  • Review the bitwise operators in the MDN JavaScript Operators reference
  • Clone this repo to your computer
  • Re-read the “Your Assignment” section of this description, paying attention to what you need to create.
  • Run the following at the command line from within the project directory (use cd <path>, replacing <path> with the folder path to your project directory, to get there):

    nvm install
    nvm use lts/*
    npm install
    npm test

During development, you may wish to run the tests in watch mode, so that each time you save a file, the tests that file affects will run. To do this, you can use:

npm test -- --watch

This assignment will also automatically check your code style for readability. To run those tests at your own command line, you can use:

npm run lint

Submission and Feedback

You must submit your changes as commits to a new branch on the repository, and create a pull request on the repository comparing that branch against the main branch. As you push your commits on the new branch up to Github, they will be added to the activity on this pull request.

In addition to the synchronous mechanism of requesting help via office hours appointments, this pull request will be your mechanism for asking questions and requesting help asynchronously during the course of this assignment. I will also use this pull request to provide feedback on your work. I will provide feedback on the completed assignment within a week of the due date of the assignment. If you push your code earlier than the due date, I will try to provide feedback as needed earlier.

I suggest that you push your work to Github as you make commits, and that you make commits frequently as you work on the assignment. This way, if you have questions, I will be able to review your work-in-progress and give more relevant answers and feedback. If you have a question specific to a particular area of the code, note that you can add comments inline on the pull request by clicking on the Files changed tab of the pull request, then clicking the little blue + icon that appears when you hover over a specific line of code.

I will do my best to respond to questions posed during the course of the assignment with in a day of the ask. If you want to ask a question or request early feedback, please tag me in a comment on the pull request: @nihonjinrxs.

Once you feel you have completed the assignment, you should submit the link to your pull request on the assignment in Canvas.

Good luck, and I look forward to seeing what you create!